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HomeAnnual Research Competition

Annual Triservice Research Competition

Started in 2022, the SUSP Triservice Research Competition provides a forum to highlight the many initiatives of our members. It is accomplished through providing a forum to display their research and innovation with a secondary goal of fostering a community that incentivizes learning and collaboration.

BLUF: Any SUSP member invited to submit abstracts by 7MAR24. Abstracts will be reviewed & invited to submit a poster which will be due by 15APR. Top 3 posters will be given an award & opportunity to give podium presentation at the annual meeting. 

The Annual SUSP Triservice Poster Competition showcases the achievements of its members, and provides recognition for medical students, residents and attendings who go above and beyond to innovate within the field of military psychiatry.

Each year three outstanding researchers are recognized for originality, military impact, and rigor of their research and are given an opportunity to present their findings during the annual SUSP meeting in a brief podium format. This research symposium has become a highlight of the annual SUSP Triservice meeting. We hope that you will consider submitting your work for the annual SUSP 2024 research symposium!

All levels of SUSP membership are invited to submit: Medical students through attendings!

SUSP Annual Tri-Service Conference

Research Competition

Poster Guidelines:

Poster formatting is up to the presenter. Original research posters must include an introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion. Case reports should include introduction, case summary (also detailing treatment and response), discussion & conclusion sections. Posters will be evaluated for organization and should have readable figures and text.

Poster Format Description:

  • Only one presenter per poster
  • Co-authors do not present. One co-author may be designated as the "lead author." Unless otherwise noted, the poster presenter is assumed to be the lead author.
  • Posters will be reviewed by a panel of judges, and the top 3 projects will be given the opportunity for a podium presentation (either in-person or pre-recorded for those who cannot attend)
  • Awards will be given for best poster and for the two runners-up.

Abstract Checklist for Submission:

  • Poster title (maximum of 150 characters, with spaces)
  • Presenter information: Name, Rank, Title/Role, Branch, Disclosure
  • Note: residents and medical students are asked to review their proposal with a faculty mentor prior to submission.
  • Main text (maximum of 3,000 characters, with spaces)
  • Introduction
  • Methods (If original research)
  • Results (or case summary if case report)
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Topic: Select one to two topics that best describe the overall focus of your proposed session.
  • Original research
  • Case report / series
  • QI/PI
  • Submission format: PDF

General Timeline for Submission:

Abstract deadline: March 7th 2024. 

Notification of abstract selection: NLT March 10th 2024

Poster deadline: April 15th 2024

Winners will be notified: April 24th 2024

Winning submissions will have an opportunity to present their poster (virtually or in-person) at the Triservice conference.

Email Submission

Previous Triservice Research Competition Winners

2023 Winner

2023 Runner Up

2023 Runner Up

CPT Sean Sedore

Let's "Whippit" Away: Nitrous Oxide Abuse and its Complications

2LTJaqueline Hamrick

Mood Symptoms with Uhthoff's Phenomenon as the Initial Presentation in a Man with Multiple Sclerosis

Cpt Philip Bowers

Assessing Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Comparing In-Person and Telepsychiatry Consultations


SUSP is a private organization; the views expressed do not represent those of the U.S. government or the Department of Defense. SUSP in not authorized to serve as an intermediary for purposes of providing patient care.

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574E Ritchie Highway, #271

Severna Park, MD 21146

1-855-388-SUSP (7877)

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Society of Uniformed Services Psychiatrists